Halal Japanese food to Muslim in Osaka for Eid
Happy Eid Mubarak!
Eid has also graced upon all Muslims in Japan. Wishing you a blessed Eid!!
This is the second Eid for Salam Groovy Japan since the project’s launch last year.
It’s a real shame that many of us can’t gather together to celebrate since we have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic for two years in a row. However, following last year’s donation of 100 servings of Hida halal beef, this year we donated some unique Japanese food items as our way of celebrating.

This time, we donated halal Japanese disaster food to the Japan Da’wah Centre (JDC) in Osaka.
The JDC is committed to deepening exchanges and mutual understanding between Japanese and Muslims.
They are perfect for people to carry and enjoy them at home since we can’t have a party in this pandemic.

Halal emergency food made in Japan where earthquake preparedness is highly advanced
As you know, Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. One of the most well-known internationally is the tragic Great East Japan Earthquake occurred 10 years ago.
On the other hand, Muslims living in Japan are estimated to be up to 200,000, while Muslim tourists are increasing year by year with an estimated figure of around 800,000 per year.
No one knows when and under what circumstances an earthquake will occur.

The disaster food provided here can be kept for as long as five years by Hinomoto Shokusan. It has been developed to provide warm-tasty meals even in cases where utilities such as water, gas and electricity are cut off. Of course, they are halal, so Muslims can eat with ease.
There are 4 menu: meat and potato stew, chikuzenni*, beef bowl ingredients, and chicken curry. The set includes one of these and white rice. It comes with a heat pack that can heat it up by simply pouring water.
*Chikuzenni (筑前煮): a dish originated from northern Kyushu, Japan, made of braised chicken and vegetables
The concept behind this halal disaster food is not ”developed to be Halal”, but it is ”also Halal, so anyone can eat it”. This mindset could be what it truly means to embrace diversity.

In addition to the disaster food, we also donated 10kg of fried chicken.
This was sponsored by Hinomoto Shokusan. Of course, it is halal!
Initially, we were going to serve halal in-flight meals, having lost their place due to the influence of the pandemic. However, the meal was given to an institution that take cares of children from underprivileged backgrounds. The menu changed to fried chicken instead.
Thank you, Hinomoto Shokusan!
Groovy Japan will continue to connect Japanese companies with the global Muslim market from a business perspective.

We have a network of Japanese companies keen to expand into the Halal market in Malaysia & Indonesia.
If you are interested in connecting with sustainable technology companies in Japan, simply JOIN the network from below. We will match the right one for you!