
Halal food relief for foreign students hit by pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic continues to put international students in financial crisis in Japan. Okayama University received food aid for international students from Hayashibara, having the “SDGs Industry-University Partnership Agreement” with the university.

Hayashibara Corporation donated food supplies to international students at Okayama University, starting last year. This year, the company gave 1,508 food items of 11 varieties, including Halal foods, for the diverse backgrounds of international students. The food items include retort*1 rice, bread, emergency rations, instant soups, and Japanese/Western snacks using the company’s products.

In Japan, not many workplaces could accommodate Muslims that need to wear the hijab or leave their posts to pray during work. English-speaking jobs, a common part-time choice for students studying in Japan, have also decreased dramatically because of the pandemic.
International students still struggle financially and need ongoing support to maintain their student life in Japan with no worries.

Salam Groovy Japan, connecting Japanese business with the global Islamic market from a business angle, is also engaged in charity activities to support Muslims in Japan.

Okayama University Official Website:
International Students Receive Food Support From HAYASHIBARA Corporation

Salam Groovy Japan’s Donation Efforts:
Donation to Otsuka Masjid, Japan Islamic Trust
Eid gift for Muslims at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Halal Japanese food to Muslim in Osaka for Eid
Crowdfunding to aid Muslims in need in Japan

Word Meaning:
*1  Retort food: produced by placing pre-cooked food in a pouch or container. It is like ready-to-eat meals.

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